Jim Grant's Tech Tips
‘92 Chevy Lumina Euro, No Head Lights
My ‘92 Chevy Lumina Euro has no headlights or taillights! The dash headlight switch was replaced with a new one after an auto shop said it was bad. Still, no lights. All visible fuses were checked to be OK. I have no service manual or wiring diagram. What is the next step, such as the headlight relay, and where to look?!
The headlight switch in your vehicle is 2 switches in one. One part of the switch supplies power to the parking lights and the other part of the switch supplies power to the head lights. The parking lights have their own fuse and the heads lights have a self resetting circuit breaker. It is highly unlikely that both switches have failed. What you need to check is the power supply to the headlight switch. Under the hood on the left side of your vehicle is an Electrical Center that has a fuse labeled Exterior Lamp Fuse. This fuse just happens to supply power to both halves (parking & headlights) of the headlight switch. My bet? That fuse has failed. If I’m wrong then the headlight switch has to be removed from the dash and the power supply to the switch needs to be checked. I still have coffee on the fuse under the hood.