Your Vehicle: 2009 Nissan-Datsun Altima V6-3.5L (VQ35DE)
Vehicle » Body and Frame » Mirrors » Service and Repair » Overhaul » Door Mirror » Disassembly  



  1. Turn the mirror glass surface upward.


  1. Apply a protective tape (A) to mirror housing. Insert a suitable tool (B) into the concave gap between the mirror holder (1) and mirror motor (2) Push up tabs (3) (two locations) on the mirror holder to disengage the lower part of mirror holder, and remove the mirror glass and holder.

When pushing up tabs (3), do not forcefully push up only one concave position but try to push up two concave positions.


  1. Remove the mirror glass and holder (1) from the mirror housing assembly (2).
  2. Disconnect the two terminals from the mirror heater connector (if equipped).