Adjust the surface level difference of the hood, fender and head lamp by rotating the hood bumpers until the hood becomes 1 to 1.5 mm (0.04 to 0.059 in) lower than the fender.
Install and align the hood lock center with the center of the hood striker. Engage the lock with the striker and check for looseness.
Adjust A and B shown in the figure to the following value with hood's own weight by dropping it from approx. 200 mm (7.87 in) height or by pressing the hood closed lightly [approx. 29 N (3 kg) ].
After adjustment tighten the hood lock bolts to the specified torque.
Check the clearance between the hood and each part by visual and tactile feeling.
Loosen the hood hinge bolts.
The anticorrosive agent applied between the hoodledge and the hood hinges also acts as an adhesive.
This seal must be broken before the hinges will move.
Move the hood so that the clearance measurements are within specifications.
Tighten the hood hinge bolts.
Hood hinge bolts: 14 N.m (1.4 kg.m, 10 ft-lb)
After installation apply touch-up paint onto the hinge bolts and around the base of the hinge.