Jim Grant's Tech Tips
‘94 Chevy
S10 Blazer, Fuel Smell
Q: I have a ‘94 Chevy S10 Blazer. There is a constant smell
of raw fuel in the cabin and around the whole car. The fuel pump has been
replaced and since then I noticed the fuel smell. The engine still runs
good and I get good mileage. What else can I look for to correct this
smell of fuel......Rosanne
A: If
the gas smell occurred after the fuel pump was replaced, I would suggest
having the seal (which is an O-ring) for the fuel sending unit checked.
To install a fuel pump in your vehicle requires removal of the fuel pump/gas
gauge unit from the gas tank. If the seal is not correctly positioned
or damaged during assembly you will smell gas. A vapor integrity test
can be performed, without removing the gas tank, to determine if there
is a problem with the seal. The test takes less than 1/2 hour to prove
or disprove this problem. I encourage you not to wait! Gasoline vapors
are not good to breathe! Not to mention that the part of gasoline you
smell is the part that’s a fire hazard that cannot be ignored!