Jim Grant's Tech Tips
Chevy Lumina APV, Changing Spark Plugs
Q: A Popular Mechanics Car Tips item indicated
that the engine in this model had to be tilted forward in order to change
the three rear spark plugs. However, two other auto manuals simply say
the air cleaner assembly must be removed. Either way, it looks like a
bear but which method do you suggest? Jack
A: Remove
the air cleaner, tilt the engine, unbolt and discard anything that is
in the way. Bear to work on? That’s putting it mildly! Servicing the engine
on that vehicle like many other vans of its type is a bear. Make sure
you’re not in a hurry, be sure there are no kids or mother inlaws around,
and keep a few Band-Aids handy. Why? Because you’re going to need time
to find the tools you will throw. The Band-Aids are to cut back on the
blood flow. You certainly don’t want your kids learning new vocabulary
words to use in class. Last but not least, you definitely do not want
your mother inlaw around harping on your wife for marrying such a loser.
If I were you I’d hire it done. But if you insist on doing the job just
remember, no pain no gain.