Jim Grant's Tech Tips
'86 Blazer, Warm-up Times
I'd like to address a sore point between my wife and I, and maybe resolve
our different views. My wife continues to let our '86 S10 Blazer 4X4 idle
in the driveway, despite my repeated attempts to convince her otherwise.
This morning, she "warmed it up" for ten minutes before driving
away. It is not cold weather, in fact it is above freezing. I've told
her that anything more than 30 seconds (or so) is simply wasting gas.
An idling vehicle adds excessive wear on the motor. We stand a greater
chance of someone stealing the truck. Please end this... am I right? Or
should I just let her continue her practices, and bite my tongue?
With thanks, Dave
Dave, as long as you dont prance around the house acting
like you just made the winning touch down for the Super Bowl Ill
tell you that you are mostly right. In warm weather it is not necessary
to let a vehicle idle for much more than 30 seconds before driving. As
the weather cools and winter sets in, then warm-up/idle times should be
extended to allow the engine to warm and for clearing the windshield of
ice for safe operation. Remember Dave, if you say oh yea baby read this
with too much zeal, you may be sleeping on the couch.