Jim Grant's Tech Tips
'98 Chevy Blazer, Sticky Gas Pedal
The gas pedal in my
'98 Chevy Blazer sticks. It only sticks immediately after starting the
vehicle. After that it usually does not stick until the next time I start
the vehicle. Do you have any suggestions to prevent this?
- David
When you say the gas
pedal is sticking do you mean just as you step on the gas pedal, that
very first moment of movement? If that is the case it is likely that you
have carbon deposits on the throttle plate and bore of the throttle body.
The problem may even be more pronounced when the engine is cool. The solution
is a simple cleaning of the throttle plate and bore. Use a soft plastic
brush or rag and mild cleaner. A little WD-40 works pretty well at softening
up the deposits, add a some elbow grease until the surfaces shine again
and the problem should be gone.