Jim Grant's Tech Tips
'97 Chevy S-10, Directional Switch Location
have a 97 Chevy S-10 and our directional signals aren't working.
We've purchased a new switch. The problem is-where the heck does it go?
No one seems to know...Please Help!
you replace the switch, have you checked the fuse for the turn signals?
If the fuse is okay, have you checked the flasher for the turn signals?
There are two different flashers, one for the turn signal and one for
the hazards. This leads to the next question; any chance the switch for
the hazards is on the wrong position? The reason I ask? The hazard switch/button
cancels out the turn signal switch, preventing the operation of the directionals/turn
signals. I would suggest switching/cycling the hazard switch a few times
to confirm it is correctly positioned. If none of the above works and
youre asking where the turn signal switch goes, there are some concerns.
It is not that the turn signal switch is that difficult to service. It
is the items such as the air bag system, which just happens to be in the
same area and could create, should we say, an interesting automotive repair
experience. I would suggest just a little reading to familiarize yourself
with the dos and donts of the repair. To find the turn signal
switch only requires following the turn signal lever to the steering column.
Remove the steering column trim covers, this will expose the screws that
hold the switch into place. Youll find, that there is a plastic
strap that holds the wiring harness to the column. This repair usually
takes under an hour to perform. But, if you find yourself unsure, pay
to have the work performed.