Jim Grant's Tech Tips
'99 Chevy Prizm
I took my 99
Chevy Prizm to a dealer because the air bag light was coming on. They
said it was a module located in the drivers seat that wasnt
operating properly. It was going to cost $1200 + and they would have to
send it to a shop to have the seat cover repaired. They said the cost
of the part is $900.. Can you tell me what is up?
- John S.
Im somewhat surprised
that the seat has to be sent out to have the cover repaired. Unless it
is damaged, the seat cover is not difficult to service. The module that
is mounted in the seat back is pricey, in the area of $640 according to
my GM supplier, if were both talking about the same part. You can
check around a bit, but youre going to find that the repair of you
vehicles air bag system is a costly venture.